[caption id="attachment_2803" align="alignleft" width="242" caption="Boulder Community Food Share - January 17, 2012"]

[caption id="attachment_2807" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Here is nearly 4000 lbs of food donated by people like YOU! "]

Traditionally the month of December is the most generous month for charitable giving. Whether it’s the holiday spirit of sharing or the upcoming end of year tax cycle, donations come in vigorously during December. January on the other hand tends to see a decline in charitable contributions.
Rest assured however because the Conscious Alliance ‘Art That Feeds’ campaign keeps on giving no matter what time of year, thanks in large part to the amazing generosity of our fans and friends like you. As a friend of Conscious Alliance since it’s early inception, I am proud to be a part of this community that gives of itself every day of the year in so many various ways.
Recently, I began volunteering with Conscious Alliance in the Boulder office. This allowed me to experience the organization on the day to day, which looks much different than at a show. This opportunity allows me to see the ‘Art That Feeds’ process from start to finish. As a fan of Conscious Alliance I thought that the donations always went to the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, but as it turns out, the community has gathered enough food to keep the Pine Ridge Food Pantry stocked year round. So, although much of the food delivery does impact that community specifically, when we are in surplus we often turn to local food pantries to help distribute the food. This January delivery was one of those opportunities to feed the hungry of Boulder County.
[caption id="attachment_2816" align="alignleft" width="168" caption="Boulder Community Food Share provides meals to 30,000 people each year."]

On January 17, 2012, we delivered 4,000 lbs of food that was donated by concertgoers in exchange for posters.  When we pulled up to the Boulder Community Food Share, I realized that emergency food relief is a universal need within every community. With 3 loading docks, an army of volunteers, and a warehouse to rival any big-box store, Boulder Food Share delivers over 7 million meals per year and works with 50 other agencies in Boulder County, which makes partnering with this network exponential.
With your help we are making a tremendous impact on hunger. As a fan of Conscious Alliance for years, it was so powerful to think about the community of musicians, artists, and fans who have helped to feed so many people. So, keep those canned and non-perishable foods coming and we’ll keep bringing new original artwork in exchange. Thank you for all your support each and every day of the year.
Blog by Seann Goodman