Summer Camp Music Festival
We are happy to announce we will be teaming up with Summer Camp Music Festival to host an ‘Art That Feeds’ Food Drive in Chillicothe, Illinois from May 22-24, 2015. All food donations will benefit the East Peoria Area Food Bank in Peoria, Illinois.
The very talented Chris Dyer is creating a Summer Camp event poster, which will be FREE to patrons who donate 20 non-perishable food items or a suggested monetary donation! Food donations will be collected at the Conscious Alliance ‘Art That Feeds’ Gallery, which will be depicted on the Summer Camp Festival guide and map.
Conscious Alliance always encourages food donations to be low-sodium and health oriented products. ORGANIC food donations are especially encouraged. RAMEN NOODLES will NOT be accepted for the free poster.
Thank you for your continued support in feeding the hungry everywhere the music plays!