(720) 406-7871

Conscious Alliance is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to supporting communities in crisis through hunger relief and youth empowerment


3801 Industrial Lane
Broomfield, CO 80020

3801 Industrial Lane
Broomfield, CO 80020

Conscious Alliance is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to supporting communities in crisis through hunger relief and youth empowerment

Covid-19 Response: A Letter from our Executive Director

April 30, 2020


As these difficult times continue, I am sure you are well-aware that the need for hunger relief grows daily. It’s alarming, and it is not solved, but I want to share with you a few new opportunities we’ve created to bring nourishments to people in need across the U.S.

First, we’ve scaled up; last year, we served over one million meals; this year, in March and April alone, we distributed over 500,000 meals. To do so, we put more resources into trucking and logistics. There is enough food in the U.S. to feed everyone; the food just needs to be moved to people who need it before it spoils. We are a reliable stream of healthy food for our partner organizations (food pantries and school districts), and together we are reaching thousands every week.

Second, we are protecting jobs and creating fresh meals for those struggling with food access. In March, Elliott Toan, owner of Arcana restaurant in Boulder and Conscious Alliance board member, kept his kitchen staff employed prepping meals for families in need. Facilitated by Conscious Alliance, the meals were delivered to students’ homes by their teachers, keeping families fed and maintaining much-needed connection. This compassionate work caught the attention of the World Central Kitchen, founded by internationally renowned chef José Andrés. Conscious Alliance is now a proud part of World Central Kitchen’s effort to provide one million meals by local restaurants. Chef Hosea Rosenberg from Blackbelly has joined the efforts and together with Arcana, they are preparing 1,500 meals for our distribution each week. Utilizing home deliveries and community-based pop-up events, we are continuing to reach those most vulnerable. 

Last, I’d like to share how we are creatively coping with the postponement of live music. Live music is so much a part of our identity and we know you feel it too. It is a big loss to fans, as well as for our many friends who work in the industry. In lieu of gathering together, we’ve created our ‘Community That Feeds’ Concert Series with Live Lesson Masters to bring joy to the live music scene and funds to our hunger relief work. We are able to provide 40 meals with every attendee in these private events, totalling thousands of meals for families in need each week. 

With your support, we can continue to find innovative ways to reach those struggling in this time of increased need. Again, please give what you can today if you or your company are in a position to support us at this time.

Thank YOU for trusting and supporting us as we develop new approaches to the work we do. We will continue to be here for you. 

With Love,

Justin Levy, Executive Director